Tag: home cook

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Don’t you know that cooking Cream of Mushroom Soup at home is just so easy? Rather than paying a big amount of money dining out and order an expensive bowl of mushroom soup, why don’t you try cooking your own at home? It’s very easy and you can enjoy a pot of mushroom soup. Here’s how to cook Cream of

Yang Chow Fried Rice

Yang Chow Fried Rice

Yang Chow Fried Rice is one popular Chinese style fried rice that we Filipinos definitely love. Probably because the combination of flavors that come from its diverse ingredients. Try this today. Here’s how to cook Yang Chow Fried Rice: Ingredients: 3 cups Cooked Rice 1 cup Frozen Mixed Veggies 3 pcs Chinese Sausage (sliced) 1 cup Shelled Shrimps 1 medium

Fish Cardillo

Fish Cardillo

Fish cardillo is an easy fish recipe that you can prepare at home. It is often mistaken as sarciado. The only difference however is that cardillo has beaten eggs on it. It’s very easy to prepare and will definitely not take much of your time. Not to forget that it’s one healthy fish recipe.

Cassava Cake

cassava cake

Since I’ve received tons of request for me to prepare this recipe, here it is. Cassava cake is one delicious local dessert recipe made from cassava or kamoteng kahoy. It may require some work when grating but it should be worth it. A hot cup of coffee with a slice of cassava cake in a rainy afternoon will seal the deal.

Linutik nga Kalabasa (Squash in Coconut Milk)

Linutik nga Kalabasa

I’ve received a lot of request to prepare something healthy and delicious. So I decided to share this Linutik nga Kalabasa (Squash in Coconut Milk) recipe. It’s definitely healthy and your kids will surely love. Who doesn’t love squash? This is one guilt-free dish you can prepare. best paired with fried fish and rice. Here’s how to cook Linutik nga

Pork Pancit Canton

Pancit Canton

Here’s one simple Pork Pancit Canton recipe that you can prepare for your family this weekend.