
All the content on this blog are mainly the author’s personal opinion and for the purpose of providing information only. Delish PH is working to offer the latest and right information but it does not imply or provide any kind of warranty to the reliability and precision of the content in the website. We give the responsibility to the reader to identify the quality and accuracy of the information on the website. All the recipes and ideas contained are intended for informational or entertainment purposes only. If you decide to use them, it should be on your own choice and risk.


All the recipes I prepared and I do at my own personal discernment. Should you decide to follow the recipes, it will be wholly at your own risk. Delish PH will not be liable or does not have the responsibility when the following occurs:

  1. Any adverse and undesirable food reactions or any food-related sickness you encounter.
  2. Recipes taken the wrong way.
  3. Accidents during the course of cooking such as cuts and burns.

There is no constant cooking formula. In the event that you don’t acquire the same outcome, there are several factors that can affect the results such as the different brands of products used, the difference on the tools and cooking equipment used as well as the level of cooking ability that we all have.

All the responsibility are yours to make sure that you prepare the recipe, you follow the steps and you use the right ingredients. In the event that you decide to make food experiments, I don’t offer any warranty for the outcome. It should all be at your own risk.