Homemade Mayonnaise

It’s time for you to learn how to make mayonnaise at home. It’s perfect for any kind of dish that you want it, salad dressing etc. This Homemade Mayonnaise is very easy to make and it doesn’t require too much process and ingredients. When making it at home, you can be sure that you have it healthy and fresh.

Here’s how to make Homemade Mayonnaise:


1 egg
1 tbsp. Lemon Juice
Pinch of Salt
1 cup Extra Light Olive Oil or Sunflower Oil


1. In a bowl, combine in the egg, lemon juice and salt.

2. Using a hand mixer, blend the mixture until smooth.

3. Gradually pour in the olive oil while continuously mixing until you get the right consistency.

Mayo is Ready!

Note from Delish:

This is the simplest mixture of mayo. You can also add other ingredients to add more flavor such as mustard or garlic paste. Since you are using raw egg, make sure to refrigerate the mayonnaise to prolong its life.

If you have any question about this recipe, drop a comment below or send me an email.

Watch how to make Homemade Mayonnaise here:

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