How to Make Buko Pandan Salad (using Angel Kremdensada)

Since it’s just weeks to go before Christmas, I know you guys are looking for an easy, less expensive but absolutely delicious dessert recipe to add on your menu list. And this buko pandan salad recipe is a must try. Instead of using cream and condensada, we will be using Angel Kremdensada, cream and condensada in one can.

How to Make Buko Pandan Salad:


2 Young Coconuts
1 pack Gelatin Powder (green)
1 can Angel Kremdensada
1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp. Pandan Flavor Extract


  1. In a pot, pour in about 4-5 cups of water (or see product instruction for preparation). Dissolve the gelation powder and sugar. Turn on the heat. Do constant stirring.
  2. Once it starts to boil, pour in the pandan flavor extract, stir and remove from fire. Pour into a container and let it cool and firm. Slice to your desired sizes.
  3. Shred the young coconut meat.
  4. In a large bowl, combine in the gelatin slices and shredded young coconut meat. Then pour in the Angel Kremdensada. Give it a good mix.

Refrigerate before serving. Enjoy!

Note from Ren:

I’m going to repeat it one more time, using Angel Kremdensada will make your buko pandan recipe the easiest. It’s cream and condensada in one can. You can also use fresh pandan leaves if available. It’ll be more flavorful.

If you have any questions or suggestions, drop a comment below or send me an email or direct message us on our Facebook Page.

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