How to Cook Creamy Binagoongang Manok using (Alaska Creamy Chicken Evap)

Now you can cook easy, creamy and delicious binagoongang manok using Alaska Creamy Chicken evap. You can have a perfectly seasoned chicken dish in no time. It’s Alaska milk and chicken flavor in one. It’s really a must try in the kitchen.

Here’s How to Cook Creamy Binagoongang Manok:


1 Alaska Creamy Chicken Evap
1 Kl Chicken
1.5 Tbsp. Bagoong (Shrimp Paste)
1 Bell Pepper
4 pcs. Chilies
1 Onion
3 cloves Garlic
1/2 thumb-sized Ginger
Green Onion (garnish)
Cooking Oil


  1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Then pan fry (without oil) until golden brown on both sides. Set aside.
  2. Saute onion, garlic and ginger. Then add the bagoong. Pour in about a half cup of water to dilute it a bit.
  3. Add in the bell pepper and the chopped chillies.
  4. Arrange the pan fried chicken in the pan. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
  5. Set the fire to low and pour in the Alaska Creamy Chicken Evap. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes. (Season with salt and pepper is you want, or according to taste).


Note from Ren:

You can now bring your binagoongang manok recipe to the next level using this new Alaska Creamy Chicken Evap. No need to add more seasoning since it’s already perfectly seasoned.

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