Benefits of Drinking Tea Everyday

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Tea is one of the best beverages to consume: regardless of the prevailing season, you can trust that it will be tasty, especially given that you can take it hot or as ice tea.

One of the most commonly asked questions online happens to be “is it okay to drink tea everyday?” The reality is that tea is a beverage whose benefits extend beyond mere refreshment.

There already exists lots of research indicating that daily consumption of tea can assist in improving your health. Some studies have also shown that tea can assist in protecting your heart as well as your teeth, and may even go a long way towards helping you keep cancer-causing cells at bay.

But you should note that at the very least, consuming tea is a flavourful way to make sure that your body has lots of fluids in it at all times. Also, note that the kind of tea you choose to consume will also make a ton of difference.

The non-herbal teas are the ones that have been made from leaves obtained from the Camellia sinensis plant. The duration taken to process the leaves is what will determine whether the end product will be oolong, black, or green tea.

Green teas take the least amount of time to process, which is the reason they also have the highest polyphenols concentration. Some herbal teas are renowned for their medicinal values, e.g., helping to soothe your gastrointestinal system.

The following is a look at 5 reasons why you should drink tea everyday.

1. Tea Contains Antioxidants

The antioxidants present in tea are important in that they help to ensure that the body will not begin to rust. In the process, they are able to keep you young and healthy, as they continue to protect you from any damage that may be caused by pollution.

You can load your body up on antioxidants by taking white tea. This type of tea undergoes less processing compared to green or black tea.

It is, therefore, able to retain all the beneficial antioxidants.

2. Tea Contains Less Caffeine Compared to Coffee

Herbal tea blends do not contain any caffeine. The traditional teas, on the other hand, contain less than fifty percent of the amount that you would normally find in a regular cup of coffee.

This means that you can easily consume it without having to worry about experiencing the pesky effects that caffeine tends to have on the nervous system. For a person attempting to make a switch to tea from coffee, it would be ideal to consider starting with a chicory root tea.

Chicory root is also believed to assist in reducing stress. The fact that it has been categorized as a prebiotic means that it can also be of help to your gut.

3. Tea Can Reduce Your Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack

Today, there exists lots of literature connecting tea to heart health. It is believed that tea has a strong effect on the health of your heart, of which there’s strong evidence to support this theory.

A study conducted and published in 2016 combined information from a bunch of earlier reports and established that tea consumption can reduce the risk of a heart attack by up to 20%. Additionally, it could also reduce the risk of getting a stroke by up to 35% among people who took between one to three cups of green tea each day.

For those who took at least four or more green teacups, their risk of sustaining a heart attack was reduced by up to 32%. This group also ended up with very low LDL cholesterol levels.

The downside to taking four cups of green tea is that they are likely to force you to keep rushing to the bathroom.

4. Tea May Help You Maintain a Bright Smile

Researchers in Japan have established that tea consumption assists in decreasing tooth loss. When you ingest tea, it helps to change the pH levels present in your mouth. And this explains why tea often assists in preventing the formation of cavities. Apart from this, tea does not appear to affect your tooth enamel, which is a common problem with many other beverages on sale today.

5. Tea Can Help You Battle Cancer

Data obtained from past and current studies have so far been mixed. This simply means that there is a need to conduct additional research.

But at the moment, people whose families have had a complicated relationship with cancer, and are willing to try anything that they can, may want to consider increasing their daily tea intake.

Best-Recommended Tea and Their Properties

For thousands of years, tea was regarded in the East as the key to wisdom, happiness, and good health. Today, it has caught the attention of many westerners who are slowly starting to learn about its many benefits. The following is a look at the different types of teas and their properties:

1. Oolong Tea

Any search for the best tea to drink should at some point bring you across Oolong tea. This is a tea that only represents two percent of the global tea, but is one whose benefits are well-worth discovering.

It’s a tea that combines the properties of both the green and dark teas thereby providing it with some highly interesting health benefits. For instance, this tea can reduce stress and boost your metabolism leaving you feeling good each day.

Oolong Tea | What Is It?

This is a type of traditional Chinese tea made from the oolong loose leaf, which is a part of the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves from this plant are also used to make the black and green teas, the difference being in the processing mechanisms.

All leaves used to produce tea tend to contain numerous enzymes that undergo a chemical reaction popularly referred to as oxidation. This reaction is responsible for causing the green tea leaves to start turning into a deeper blacker color.

Oolong Tea contains numerous minerals, vitamins, and important antioxidants. A single cup of brewed Oolong tea will contain:

• Caffeine

• Fluoride

• Niacin

• Manganese

• Magnesium

• Potassium

• Sodium

In a study conducted on animals, the ones given antioxidants obtained from Oolong loose leaf were found to have reduced cholesterol levels. Wuyi is a variety of Oolong tea and is one that is heavily marketed by companies around the world as a weight loss supplement. However, scientific studies are yet to prove whether it can really help with weight loss.

2. Green Tea

This is one of the most studies teas today. It is made with steamed tea leaves and tends to contain a very big EGCG concentration. The antioxidants present in green tea can interfere with the development of colorectal, bladder, pancreatic, breast, stomach, and lung cancer.

It can also prevent the clogging of your arteries, improve cholesterol levels, and reduce the risk of developing neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

3. Black Tea

Black tea has the highest caffeine content and is made using fermented tea leaves. It also forms the basis for the manufacture and production of flavored teas such as chai and other many instantaneous teas.

Researchers have established that consumption of black tea can assist in protecting your lungs from damage that may be caused by overexposure to cigarette fumes. Additionally, it can also reduce your risk of developing a stroke.

The Bottom Line

Teas come in a broad range of delicious flavors with some being calorie and sugar-free. It’s worth noting that teas have many health-promoting benefits, some of which have already been validated by scientific studies.

You should, therefore, give the above three teas a try, regardless of whether you are a novice or seasoned tea lover.

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