Tag: steamed recipe

Steamed Okra

steamed okra

For sure you will love this simple and very delicious okra recipe. If you are looking for some appetizing dish, this one is for you. The combination of shrimp paste, pork and vinegar will give your taste buds a new level of flavor. It’s even very easy to prepare. We will also be using anato oil or atsuete oil.

Steamed Banana Muffin with Chocolate Chips

Steamed Banana Muffin with Chocolate Chips

Since I know not all of you have access to an oven or a cupcake maker, here’s a steamed version of your favorite banana muffin with chocolate chips. It doesn’t really require a lot of process, very simple yet it’s absolutely delicious. Here’s how to cook Steamed Banana Muffin with Chocolate Chips: Ingredients: 3 Ripe Bananas (Lakatan) 2 cups All-purpose