Steamed Okra

steamed okra

For sure you will love this simple and very delicious okra recipe. If you are looking for some appetizing dish, this one is for you. The combination of shrimp paste, pork and vinegar will give your taste buds a new level of flavor. It’s even very easy to prepare. We will also be using anato oil or atsuete oil.

Here’s how to cook Steamed Okra:


Okra (as many as you want)
1 cup Anato Seeds (atsuete)
1/2 cup Olive Oil
2 tbsp. Shrimp Paste
1/2 cup Pork Belly (finely chopped)
1 medium sized Onion (finely chopped)
4 cloves Garlic (finely minced)
1 tsp. Chili Flakes
1 tsp. Brown Sugar
2 tbsp. Vinegar
Olive Oil


1. Prepare okra, cut the core and the tip. Boil some water on a steamer and steam okra for about 10 minutes. Set aside.

steamed okra

2. Prepare the anato oil. Pour a olive oil in a pan. Add in the anato seeds. Let it cook for about 5 minutes. Put in a jar. You can use it some other time as well.

3. In a pan, heat some olive oil. Sauté onion and garlic. Add in the pork and shrimp paste.

4. Add the anato oil, vinegar, chili flakes and brown sugar. Season with salt and pepper. Cook for about 10 minutes.

5. Arrange the steamed okra in a plate, top with the pork shrimp paste mixture.


Note from Delish:

You definitely know all the health benefits of okra. Thus, preparing this recipe is a great idea. Also using anato oil to at least give a good and enticing color to the pork toppings.

If you have any question about this dish, drop a comment below or send me an email or a direct message on our Facebook Page.

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Watch how to cook Steamed Okra here:

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